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Join an organization

Student organizations at UW-Eau Claire range from the academic, professional and political to the spiritual, cultural, creative and athletic. Involvement in campus organizations is an important part of the university's total education program. These groups offer social and service opportunities for their members, the university, and the community at large. Membership can broaden acquaintances, develop leadership ability, build decision-making and problem-solving skills, and complement classroom instruction. Click here to search 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Student Organizations!

Download 澳门葡京网赌送彩金's online student involvement app "Blugold Connect+" where you can search over 200 student clubs and organizations, learn about and attend campus-wide events, track your involvement, manage your student organization(s), connect and chat with others, and much more!   

  • Explore Student Organizations Check out student organizations and clubs in Blugold Connect+, 澳门葡京网赌送彩金's online student involvement app.
  • The ability to play a part in events and experiences across campus and the community, big and small, and learning how to work with a team to make things happen are the most important takeaways that I'll leave 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 with and carry with me forever.

    Michael St. Ores Organizational Communication

    Organization Resources

    Student Organizations and Leadership Center

    The Student Involvement Center located in Davies Center 220 (second level) provides services and is home base to more than 200 campus organizations.

    The space includes:

    • The Activities, Involvement & Leadership Office Staff
    • Meeting rooms for student organization use 
    • Organization mailbox units
    • Reservable locker spaces
    • Printer
    • Org Workshop with crafting/poster-making supplies
    • Student Senate Office

    Workshops/conferences for student leaders and advisors are conducted annually; workshops and publications are designed to assist organizational development; and recognition programs are designed to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of individuals and organizations.

    Student Organizations & Advisor Handbook 2023-2024

    Contact the staff in the Student Organizations and Leadership Center for more information:

    Sara Thommesen
    Senior Coordinator of Student Organizations
    (715) 836-4020 •

    Katy Rand
    Senior Coordinator of Leadership & Greek Life 
    (715) 836-4803 •

    Stephanie Pyykola
    Student Senate + AIL Office Manager
    (715) 836-4646 •

    Student Organizations Commission Director
    (715) 836-4646 •


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